Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 3 - آل عمران (Aal-i-Imraan) - The Family of Imraan
Number of ayas: 200; Number of rukus: 20
Revelation order: 89; Type: Medinan

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English: Sahih International
Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

English: Transliteration
Qul in kuntum tuhibboona Allaha faittabiAAoonee yuhbibkumu Allahu wayaghfir lakum thunoobakum waAllahu ghafoorun raheemun

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Si vous aimez vraiment Allah, suivez-moi, Allah vous aimera alors et vous pardonnera vos péchés. Allah est Pardonneur et Miséricordieux.


English: Sahih International
Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.

English: Transliteration
Qul ateeAAoo Allaha waalrrasoola fain tawallaw fainna Allaha la yuhibbu alkafireena

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Obéissez à Allah et au Messager. Et si vous tournez le dos... alors Allah n'aime pas les infidèles!


English: Sahih International
Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds -

English: Transliteration
Inna Allaha istafa adama wanoohan waala ibraheema waala AAimrana AAala alAAalameena

French: Hamidullah
Certes, Allah a élu Adam, Noé, la famille d'Abraham et la famille d''Imran au-dessus de tout le monde.


English: Sahih International
Descendants, some of them from others. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

English: Transliteration
Thurriyyatan baAAduha min baAAdin waAllahu sameeAAun AAaleemun

French: Hamidullah
En tant que descendants les uns des autres, et Allah est Audient et Omniscient.


English: Sahih International
[Mention, O Muhammad], when the wife of 'Imran said, "My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing."

English: Transliteration
Ith qalati imraatu AAimrana rabbi innee nathartu laka ma fee batnee muharraran fataqabbal minnee innaka anta alssameeAAu alAAaleemu

French: Hamidullah
(Rappelle-toi) quand la femme de 'Imran dit: «Seigneur, je T'ai voué en toute exclusivité ce qui est dans mon ventre. Accepte-le donc, de moi. C'est Toi certes l' Audient et l'Omniscient.


English: Sahih International
But when she delivered her, she said, "My Lord, I have delivered a female." And Allah was most knowing of what she delivered, "And the male is not like the female. And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah]."

English: Transliteration
Falamma wadaAAatha qalat rabbi innee wadaAAtuha ontha waAllahu aAAlamu bima wadaAAat walaysa alththakaru kaalontha wainnee sammaytuha maryama wainnee oAAeethuha bika wathurriyyataha mina alshshaytani alrrajeemi

French: Hamidullah
Puis, lorsqu'elle en eut accouché, elle dit: «Seigneur, voilà que j'ai accouché d'une fille» or Allah savait mieux ce dont elle avait accouché! Le garçon n'est pas comme la fille. «Je l'ai nommée Marie, et je la place, ainsi que sa descendance, sous Ta protection contre le Diable, le banni».


English: Sahih International
So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, "O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?" She said, "It is from Allah. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account."

English: Transliteration
Fataqabbalaha rabbuha biqaboolin hasanin waanbataha nabatan hasanan wakaffalaha zakariyya kullama dakhala AAalayha zakariyya almihraba wajada AAindaha rizqan qala ya maryamu anna laki hatha qalat huwa min AAindi Allahi inna Allaha yarzuqu man yashao bighayri hisabin

French: Hamidullah
Son Seigneur l'agréa alors du bon agrément, la fit croître en belle croissance. Et Il en confia la garde à Zacharie. Chaque fois que celui-ci entrait auprès d'elle dans le Sanctuaire, il trouvait près d'elle de la nourriture. Il dit: «O Marie, d'où te vient cette nourriture?» - Elle dit: «Cela me vient d'Allah». Il donne certes la nourriture à qui Il veut sans compter.


English: Sahih International
At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, "My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication."

English: Transliteration
Hunalika daAAa zakariyya rabbahu qala rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka sameeAAu aldduAAai

French: Hamidullah
Alors, Zacharie pria son Seigneur, et dit: «O mon Seigneur, donne-moi, venant de Toi, une excellente descendance. Car Tu es Celui qui entend bien la prière».


English: Sahih International
So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, "Indeed, Allah gives you good tidings of John, confirming a word from Allah and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from women], and a prophet from among the righteous."

English: Transliteration
Fanadathu almalaikatu wahuwa qaimun yusallee fee almihrabi anna Allaha yubashshiruka biyahya musaddiqan bikalimatin mina Allahi wasayyidan wahasooran wanabiyyan mina alssaliheena

French: Hamidullah
Alors, les Anges l'appelèrent pendant que, debout, il priait dans le Sanctuaire: «Voilà qu'Allah t'annonce la naissance de Yahya, confirmateur d'une parole d'Allah. Il sera un chef, un chaste, un prophète et du nombre des gens de bien».


English: Sahih International
He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?" The angel said, "Such is Allah; He does what He wills."

English: Transliteration
Qala rabbi anna yakoonu lee ghulamun waqad balaghaniya alkibaru waimraatee AAaqirun qala kathalika Allahu yafAAalu ma yashao

French: Hamidullah
Il dit: «O mon Seigneur, comment aurais-je un garçon maintenant que la vieillesse m'a atteint et que ma femme est stérile?» Allah dit: «Comme cela!», Allah fait ce qu'Il veut.

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